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As a young child, I always knew there was more to what we see and experience here in physicality. I became an observer to the extent that I was able - especially observing people. One of the things that mystified me was the surety of people when it came to their explanation of how things worked here in 3D reality. There were so many conflicting perspectives, yet most believed their own opinion was THE truth.

One week in April, 1971, when I was a few months shy of 15, we had missionaries from three different churches visiting the house (on different days), and (for some reason) I was the one directed to

open the door. Each group wanted my family to join their church, and each group stated that their church was “the one and only true religion.”

This did not make sense to me… by definition, there could only be ONE “one and only true religion,” yet here were groups from three unique churches claiming their way was THE way. I began wondering how this could be, and actually asked - the air? - my guides? - God? - universal consciousness? - WHY people believed their own beliefs and/or perspectives was THE TRUTH…

and thus began my journey to discover truth.

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That night I had a … dream, of sorts. What was different from other dreams is that THIS dream seemed real - as if it were really happening.

A very tall (7 or 8 feet) LIGHT being appeared to me in the dream. While there was no obvious gender, since this being was a big oval of Light without specific features, it seemed as if it was more masculine than feminine.

He took me out into empty space where everything was darkness EXCEPT a huge hollow sphere.

He moved us toward the sphere, and as we got closer, I realized that the surface of the sphere was covered in rows and rows of windows, too numerous to count. There were huge windows and teeny-tiny bulls-eye windows. Some windows were distorted as if the glass was melting in spots. Some windows had various amounts of debris covering them. Some windows had both debris and distortion. NO window was completely free of debris or distortion.

He led me to a large picture window that was mostly clear of debris and distortion and pointed through the window to the center of the sphere. I saw a living flame (sort of like the Olympic Torch, but without the handle) and he said “Let us say that this flame is THE TRUTH. Which of these windows show you the totality of THE TRUTH?”

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Which of these windows show you the totality of THE TRUTH?

Of course, the answer was NONE of them - because they all have a unique perspective that only shows a piece of THE TRUTH.

And I understood this was a partial “answer” to the question of why people think their perspective is “THE” truth - each of us understands THE TRUTH from the perspective of our own personal window into “life”. It is a RELATIVE truth… relative to our perceptions, explanations, beliefs, experiences, etc.

I “received” the rest of the answer to my question approximately eighteen months later: People, for a variety of reasons, NEED TO BELIEVE that their “truth” (their perception and personal explanation about that which can neither be proven NOR disproven) is “THE TRUTH”… much of that need is unconscious, ego-based desire (which I believe is neither good nor bad).

That’s when I woke up. And I made a decision to look through as many “religious” windows as I possibly could.

It made sense to me that those beliefs which are in common throughout most (or all) of the religious perspectives are much more likely to be close to THE TRUTH than all the beliefs and practices that were unique and/or in common for only one or a few.

Why am I writing about this experience?

Because we, the people of this world, bully, hurt, judge, negate, crucify, and more, those people who have a different perspective from our own - and I hope to promote and support greater understanding and compassion amongst all people.

In order to do this, I am providing information on HOW we create our beliefs - which fuel our expectations - all of which fuels our behaviors - JUST IN CASE you are one of those people who wants to improve their ability to respect and accept ALL other people with compassion and understanding.

There are many things that facilitate the development of our perceptions: our brain, and how it develops both in utero and after one’s birth; our physical body - it’s strengths and limitations in terms in of our five (plus) senses; our environment - and how it shapes our belief system(s); our internal (and sometimes external) self-dialogue and how it controls WHAT we perceive; and how they all work together to create our own unique perspective.