Why am I doing this work?
I was born an empath.
I remember being called the "Pied Piper" by the time I was 3 - the younger children seemed to always congregate around me.
I was unaware of the meaning - or the "why" - of the nickname; maybe it was explained in a "note" from my nursery school teacher stating she was sorry to see me go (when I graduated to kindergarten) since I was the child who always made sure each and every peer was included - which I did because I could “feel” their sense of shyness and or isolation.
Of course, I had no idea that I was an empath because I did not know the word, nor did I understand the concept until I was much older (thank you Gene Roddenberry for Star Trek episode 8, season 3). I only knew I felt other people's emotions and physical pain.
In addition to being empathic, I also saw, or sensed, the "energy" of words: how people meant the words they said, and how others interpreted them. And THEN there were the dreams and visions (I’ve had numerous - and will share them as is appropriate).
Granted - I had no idea what to do with all the information bombarding me; however, it did facilitate my becoming deeply compassionate and eventually leading me to develop the I.D.E.A. system that I utilize as part of my practice.
This “bombardment” also led me to start studying everything "mystical" (that is, those experiences that - at the time - could not be explained by science) that I could get my hands on until I was old enough to attend classes and workshops.
I learned about Edgar Cayce (There is a River by Thomas Sugrue) when I was 8 - because my father's family had readings by him in the late 1930's and early 1940's. I was very impressed by his reading the bible (Old & New Testament) every year, cover to cover. Not that I wanted to read the bible every year (although I actually did attempt to do so for a while).
I've meditated from a very young age - at least from the time I was 6 years old. I didn't call it meditation, of course, because that was not a word I'd ever heard. I just knew what to do when I was very tired and didn't want to be tired (I found out years later that what I did was called a "power nap," which is an apt description). I was also able to “create” a fever (without using a lamp or vigorous rubbing on the thermometer) whenever I wanted to get out of going to school (usually to avoid the bullying). And when I really put my mind (and heart) to it, I have been know to get rid of fevers, too.
When I was three months shy of my 15th birthday, I had a powerful mystical experience related to understanding Truth (from a human perspective). One of the results of that experience feeds my desire to facilitate positive change in our 3D world. [You can read about that experience here.]
From that moment, I have been consciously choosing to grow and learn (and, yes, no matter how much I develop, grow, and learn… there is always more <g>). Read on for a bit more about my - now conscious - personal path.
I had the opportunity to be part of a meditation group when I was 16. My mother was a participant and they occasionally allowed me to attend. I jumped in (in spite of being shocked by seeing auras, which unnerved me at the time), and was “bitten by the meditation bug.” I have been doing some type of structured meditation ever since - over 50 years.
During my teens and through undergraduate school, I read about Jane Roberts & Seth, and books by Ruth Montgomery, Raymond Moody, and similar authors. I joined a study group practicing A Course In Miracles. I studied Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Theosophy, Rosicrucianism, and Anthroposophy. I attended conferences with many of these writers in attendance as speakers as well as "mystical" and "scientific" leaders, such as Dr. Raymond Moody, Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, Caroline Myss, and Edgar Mitchell.
I did not find a “group” to study with until I was in graduate school, late 1970s, which led me to move to L.A. in May of 1982, where I studied "Soul Transcendence" with a somewhat esoteric group (self described as an ecumenical church) for several years. Along with others in this group, I twice toured and meditated in religious and "mystical" locations in Germany, Greece, Italy, France, Turkey, Egypt, and Israel. I also, on my own, toured similar locations in England and Scotland, including Findhorn, one of the largest intentional communities in Britain.
In my 30's and 40's, while raising my children, I studied numerous "healing" techniques, including Psych-K (developed by Robert M. Williams, taught by Robin Graham), Liberation Breathing (taught by Sondra Ray, Rhonda Levand, Margot Powell, and others), and Reiki (Takata style Usui system). In the mid-1990's, I also began practicing a type of meditation known as Sum Faht - a meditation style that blends movement with stillness and activates and strengthens one's connection with the divine energies. This practice is still a very active part of my own spiritual growth process.
I took a break from travel and studying at the turn of the century, when I became a single mom; however, I continued reading as many books as I had time to read (James Redfield, James Twyman, Lynn Andrews, Robert Monroe, Caroline Myss, Paulo Coelho, Deepak Chopra, Eckhart Tolle, Don Miguel Ruiz, Gregg Braden, Gary R. Renard, Dr. Joshua David Stone, and Dr. Michael Newton, among others).
I spent 5 years caring for others who were aging (both my parents) or recovering from major surgery (my ex-husband) or injuries from an accident (my son) before I was diagnosed with what turned out to be a Stage 3 aggressive cancer. It was at this point that I began to learn how to better care for myself - and find a balance with caring for myself and others.
I traveled to Peru - and studied there. I went back to school and earned my master's in Social Work, specializing in trauma recovery & school social work. I studied with a Shamanic Practitioner and became a Full Mesa Carrier of Peruvian & Cross-Cultural Shamanism. I traveled, meditated (with teachers), and studied in Ireland, England, Scotland, Japan, Thailand, and Iceland.
And through it all - even though I was working as a school social worker - God/Spirit/Source has consistently "urged" me to create my own practice. I resisted - I was much more comfortable with the “sure thing” of working for others; however, as is often the case with “urges” from God/Spirit/Source, resistance really is futile (yes, that IS another Star Trek reference; I confess… My name is Sara, and I AM a scifi/fantasy almost-nerd.)
I “opened” my business as a coach and meditation teacher in 2018; it was “anchored” in a physical location in Eastern North Carolina, USA. The experience was highly educational for me; however, I “closed” the physical level business within a year and moved to Colorado, where I was hired as a School Social Worker. While I liked the idea of being a coach, the structure I created in NC never felt quite “me”; thus it was easy to give up that structure. However, the “urge” to form my own practice was still “pushing” me.
I still had some learning, healing, and growing to do before I was ready. (I probably STILL have a lot of learning, healing and growing to do <g>.) It seems a primary function of my time in Colorado (which has come to an end) was about learning to stay present in the moment - which I am still learning and fine tuning, by the way - and how to “follow” the energy, which I refer to as “Spirit,” “God,” or “Source.”
Oh - and to learn patience (been working on that one for decades).
Thus in “following” the energy, in addition to writing a 16 book fantasy series (partly taking place in Atlantis, partly taking place in present day), I am “opening” this business once again; this time with an additional focus of creating and providing workshops (some of the initial recordings will be available via one of the membership areas).
This perspective is authentic to me and what I perceive as my “life path.”
I have a great deal of “knowledge” and “wisdom” - and my intention is to share it with as many people as possible who want to grow and learn … and like my way of presenting/sharing.
If this includes you - WELCOME to my site and may you find much that assists you. If it does not, may your journey include that which serves you - and may it serve you well!
May the many Blessings of a physical life come your way, for the Highest Good of all concerned.